CityLaunch 2020








Be a CityLaunch Partner and increase your visibility in the Smart City market through multi-faceted exposure. Let CityLaunch put you in front of City Managers, CIO’s, CTO’s, elected officials and leading decision makers in the market.

Connected Communities Collaborative has created CityLaunch as a venue for education, networking, and idea sharing. If you are in the SmartCity market you will not find a better stage to showcase new products or services and/or get feedback on what you are currently providing.

Download the 2020 CityLaunch Partner Marketing Platform PDF

The benefits for each platform are tailored to give your firm visibility, before, during and after the conference. Additionally offered are unique Amplifiers to call out specific visibility options during the conference. Please select from the options below.

Partner Marketing Platforms

BeforeElevateAccelerateConnectIntegrateInnovateNon-Profit or
Small Business
Recognized in Pre-event Marketing
Attendee Marketing E-BlastXXX
Company Profile & Logo on WebsiteXX
Scrolling Banner on the WebsiteXXXX
Company Profile & Logo on AppXXXXXX
Social Media Platform Mentions(1) T/F/I/L(1) T/F/I/L
App Push NotificationXX
DuringElevateAccelerateConnectIntegrateInnovateNon-Profit or
Small Business
Conference Registration
Participation in Vendor Showcase - ExhibitXXXXXX
Social Media Platform Mentions(2) T/F/I/L(2) T/F/I/L(2) T/F/I/L(1) T/F/I/L
Recognized on Event SignageXXXXX
Materials at Registration Desk -
Place one piece of collateral at the registration desk for all attendees
Company Logo on App Partner PageXXXXXX
App Push Notification3321
Pre-Conference Invitation Only - Reception Tickets885311
Pump Up the Volume: Connected sponsors have the opportunity to introduce themselves briefly before introducing a panel.X
Headliner Introduction: Accelerated sponsors have the opportunity to introduce themselves briefly before introducing a Keynote speaker. X
Smart Mobility Super Star: Sponsor a Smart Mobility Certification Track and help professionals achieve transportation super stardom by helping them obtain their Smart Mobility Certification. Topics include: Intelligent Transportation Systems: Connectivity and Open Data; Security (physical and cyber); Working with vendors and evaluating technology; Designing around anticipated trends (future proofing) and more.
*Firm must meet CCC approval. Contact us for more information.
AfterElevateAccelerateConnectIntegrateInnovateNon-Profit or
Small Business
Attendee Mailing ListXXXX
Attendee E-BlastXX
Social Media Platform Mentions(1) T/F/I/L(1) T/F/I/L
Showcased on Website (Static)XXXXXX

Groupie Experience

Groupie Experience: Sponsor a breakout session that resonates with your focus! You will have the opportunity to introduce yourself, the panel and or speaker in the session with your marketing materials showcased in the room. *Content must have relevancy approval from CCC.$6,000

BackStage Pass Reception

BackStage Pass Reception: Sponsor this exclusive reception and start your networking early, bringing up to 4 members or your team! Only regular attendees and exhibitors are allowed “behind the ropes” for the first hour of the opening night reception. As the sponsor CCC will distribute a focused E-Blast on your behalf to the CCC database in advance of the conference and have 5 minutes to introduce your company at the event!$4,000

After Hours Mix

After Hours Mix: Sponsor the “After Hours” mix when attendees are ready to decompress and swap ideas after a full day of education and brainstorming. Be the exclusive host of this event and capture the final thoughts for the evening. Be the first to know what’s top of mind for tomorrow!$3,000

Top the Charts

Top the Charts: Feature you company logo in lights on the “Stairway to CityLaunch” Customized stairway lighting and your logo projected onto the wall as attendees make their way to the conference.$5,000

Continental Breakfast

Continental Breakfast: (2 Available) Host the morning protein, caffeine and fiber and be the hit of the crowd, showcasing your logo and marketing materials alongside the morning fare.$1,500

Coffee Break

Coffee Break: (2 Available) - Want to be known to AMP things up? Host a caffeine and electrolytes to keep the crowd moving as they check out your logo and marketing materials!$1,500

Afternoon Break

Afternoon Break: Everyone loves a good afternoon pick me up! Be the exclusive host and shoot all the way to the top of the charts! The favorite “meal” of the day will feature your logo and marketing materials!$1,500

App Sponsor

App Sponsor: Be the “go to” station as the app sponsor! Your logo and hyper link will be showcased throughout the app as the banner! $3,000


WiFi: Everyone needs it, we all use it….be the one to provide it to the conference attendees! Conference attendees will use your customized login to access WiFi! $2,000


Lanyards: Sponsor the conference bling and everyone will know your name! Your logo will be featured on the conference lanyards, always required to be worn to gain access to anything CityLaunch!$2,000

Tote Bags

Tote Bags: Showcase your ability to offer support where it’s needed! Sponsor the tote bags and have your logo featured throughout the conference! $2,500

Charging Station

Charging Station: Power it up! Showcase your company logo and marketing materials on a charging station and be plugged into the attendees through a focused E-Blast in advance of the conference!$5,500

Hotel Key Cards

Hotel Key Cards: Put your company logo and contact information directly in the hands of the conference attendees!$2,000

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Our free monthly email newsletter and notifications include information about smart city news, upcoming online training classes, free webinars, and much more! This is the primary way we communicate with our attendees. Sign up to receive e-news and notifications!